My grandpa (in middle) and friends about 100 years ago |
I blissfully work in a room pretty much to myself decorating wedding cakes. Many of these take concentration and focus, so the solitude is a welcome necessity. While I forget about the trains outside, I do enjoy following the occasional train of thought. Today's random excursion in my head went something like this:
My co-worker Katie who was writing on cakes in the adjoining decorating room was double checking with me on how to spell "Manhattan." I said, "Man...hat...tan. Think of a man wearing a tan hat." And that reminded me of an anecdote my youngest brother David told me. David, who works in Manhattan was leaving work one evening and got on an elevator. A woman got on at another floor. David removed his hat. Mind you, in this day and age, he took his hat off. He's not some elderly gentleman from a bygone generation, he was in his forties, raised in New York. He could sense the woman noticed this and, looking a bit puzzled, she turned to him and said, "Did you do that for me?" David smiled and replied, "My mother raised me right."
David, if you ever write your memoirs, I suggest the following title, a chapter title at least - "Confessions of a Nice Man Working in Manhattan." I'm so happy to know one!